Sales GUNS wanted OR NOT

Sep 08, 2022

Do you need to become a sales GUN at closing, OR NOT?

Most of the problems with converting more prospects into paying clients are not problems associated with closing the sale.

Fact is most people don’t keep the consultation process open long enough to get to a point where they can close the sale.

Hey everybody my name is Graham, but my friends call me Coach Grazy.

Thanks for joining me today, the information you are about to learn is based on my decades of experience and success in this amazing Health and Fitness Industry.

I promise to serve you with real passion and a heartfelt desire to help as many people as I can. If you want to know more about me and why my decades of experience in business and in the health and fitness industry has led me to my passion for educating others, please visit the about page at

When you fully understand the sales process that is necessary in today’s market you will not only find yourself more clients, you will be able to approach the sales process without anxiety or fear.

I still see many Sales Managers fixated on their staff closing the next sale to the exclusion of all other steps in the sales process. Steps that actually make closing the sale a natural outcome.

The myth still persists amounts Managers and CEO’s that if they just had a few more gun sales closers, everything would be ok.

Fact is that buyers are now far more educated, and the days of the hard sales close are long gone.

To my amazement I still see businesses in the health and fitness industry implement a salesperson hiring strategy-based Gun Salespeople wanted.

I find this to be an interesting hiring standard as it’s usually at the exclusion of criteria like achievement history, written and oral communication skills, integrity, initiative and most importantly sales empathy which are all key elements of success.

Particularly in an industry where your success is determined by the quality of your relationship and service to others.

I wondered why these companies are not seeking professional ethical salespeople with a proven history of sales, and most importantly relationship development and customer satisfaction.

No doubt the choice of the words sales guns was only meant figuratively.

But the choice of the word GUN indicates that the managers haven’t gotten the message that today’s superstars are more like consultants than hustlers. They cultivate relationships and view their clients as partners rather than prey.

You know I have personally learned more about selling by selling my training courses than I have learned from any book or sales job. and this is why.

When I sell my sales training courses or coaching products my prospect is not only going through my sales process and sales funnel, they are experiencing exactly how I am selling to them and deciding if they want to represent themselves in the same way when working with their prospects.

So, anyone who agrees to purchase one of my courses or coaching packages gets a free look at what I’m going to teach them, which in turn makes me 100% accountable for my sales process. If I’m not being ethical, discovering if there is a real need, growing trust and then presenting a solution that is of real value then why would anyone choose to learn from me.

Selling does not need to be any more complicated that being genuinely interested in the person you are talking with, asking lots of questions, listening more than you are speaking, growing a meaningful relationship and fully understanding their needs.

Then when you then present solutions that exactly address their needs the sales process actually takes care of itself.

People have been exposed to hard sales for a long time now and as such have become more educated and professional buyers, they understand the techniques that salespeople use to manipulate them and the minute you start using hard closing techniques you will lose the prospects trust.

Remove the letter C from the word close and have a look at the word that’s left over.

In order to effectively and consistently find new clients you must bring the right values, attitudes and behaviors together at the time of the sale, and you must possess unwavering belief that what you are offering is absolutely right for the client.

Thanks again everyone for being here, I honor you for continuing your education and the service of others through ethical sales.

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us.

The world needs more inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social.

You can find me on Instagram at 

I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week, until then go out there live fully, love without compromise and make your difference every single day of your life.

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