You are what you think

Mar 31, 2022

Today we are going to talk about…. We are what we think

In this Blog I’m going to talk about why we are what we think, and we are going to break through the limiting beliefs that come about because of what we think.

Henry Ford said it beautifully…Whether You Think You Can, or Think You Can't... You're Right

Hello my friends my name is Graham but my friends call me coachGrazy

This is the most common questions I get asked in my live workshops…. Is the Health and Fitness Industry a place for me, I think I’m too old, or too young to be a personal trainer, or I’m not fit enough, or I have only just graduated from my Fitness Cert how could I possibly ask people to pay me, or I have never owned my own business before, or I have no experience and the list of what are essentially just excuses manifesting from what we think goes on.

My response to this question is always the same…… this industry has a place for all of you, in fact we need you exactly the way you are.

The Health and Fitness industry needs people of all ages, shapes, sizes and genders….. it needs people from all walks of life and with all types of life experiences…. as that is exactly what our clients look like themselves. We need health industry professionals who can relate and connect authentically to our audience.

It’s only your thoughts that are holding you back from achieving great success both financially and emotionally in this amazing industry

After listening to this short 10-minute presentation, if you implement and master the 4 simple tips at the end and download and implement the simple steps in the free worksheet…. it will change your life so please stay with me.

Let me share my story about how my thoughts tried to hold me back. I've been building businesses and training people face to face for over 30 years. Then a couple of years ago I decided it was time to share my life experiences, knowledge and passion with a bigger audience to do that I needed to go online.

I started by purchasing some courses and at the same time I found myself a coach to ensure I was progressing safely and in the right direction.

Like with any significant change in my life, there have been stumbles and struggles along the way. In the early days I noticed a trend in my thoughts when I faced challenges in my online training. This stuff was all new to me, creating videos like this one, podcasts, blogs, building online courses, learning the technology was all very confusing and hard for me.

When it seemed, things were not going my way, or it was taking longer than I have expected. This limiting thought would enter my head "Maybe this just isn't for me."

Fortunately, I have learned to recognise and question my thoughts, and instead of accepting them as fact I ask myself, is this thought lying to me.

As a young boy, my amazing mother taught me that I didn't have to believe every thought that passed through my head—thoughts lie she would tell me. She would say your brain will often try to rationalise and protect you, but sometimes you don't need protection.

When things did not go as planned, I keep thinking, maybe I’m too old for this, maybe I’m not smart enough, maybe this is simply not for me.

What I was actually doing was creating excuses based on my negative thoughts so I could let myself off the hook, protect myself so I didn’t have to FEEL BAD about my choices.

The problem with that line of thinking is despite some setbacks and difficulties, coaching, mentoring and training is for me, I know it’s what I’m on this planet to do.

Just because I face a challenge or disruption in my journey, doesn't mean that I can't continue. It just means that I may have to change my mindset, maybe change my plan, and get creative with ways to move forward—because coaching, mentoring and training is for me, I know that in my heart.

Learning to recognise these negative thoughts as not being accurate and not helpful now allows me to set them aside while I work to overcome the challenges and problems and keep moving forward.


Think of it like this, have you ever been frustrated at your own progress with your health and fitness goals, I certainly have? Well, I can assure you most of your clients at some stage certainly will be as well. This means your personal challenges now present an opportunity to connect deeply with your clients because you have the same lived experience yourself.

And as you learn to master how you frame your thoughts positively…. you will become an extremely valuable asset to your existing and potential clients, because your personal circumstances and lived experiences connect you on a personal level with them.. which in turn enables you to better serve and help them.

If I was your personal Health Coach and you told me you were facing challenges reaching your health and fitness goals… this is what I would tell you.

Instead of focusing on what you can't do, get creative about what you can.

Focus on how far you have come and stay consistent by implementing small actionable steps and re-evaluate your training programming for possible ways to reignite your results.

I would tell you that the combination of helpful, insightful, TRUE MEANINGFUL THOUGHTS, combined with consistent action will get you most of the way to your goals.

I would tell you that learning to recognise and overcome limiting negative thoughts can be the difference between success and failure.

We all have obstacles and struggles, that’s life, we simply need to get creative about how we manage the thoughts that come to mind during these obstacles and struggles.

You first need to be willing to recognise and accept your negative limiting thoughts for what that really are and then commit to making a real change…. and accept that change usually comes with hard work.

If someone was to physically threaten your financial success or physically and mental health you would defend yourself right.

How is the threat from negative thoughts or limiting beliefs on your financial success, physical or mental wellbeing any different, it’s still a dangerous threat? So are you going to let a negative thought take you down… I say no ….. defend yourself?

These are just a few limiting beliefs I hear from people considering a career or business in the Health and Fitness Industry

• I am not fit and athletic enough to be a health industry professional
• I find it hard to lose weight myself, how could I possibly consult others
• I don’t like to work out in gyms
• I have a job I really don’t like but I simply don't have time to escape it
• I'm too old
• I’m too young
• I'm not smart enough
• I don’t look like the PT’s on Instagram
• I am not coordinated enough
• I like junk food too much
• I’m not physically strong enough
• I don’t have enough money to enjoy my life let alone invest in this training
• I’ll never be a great leader with my lack of confidence

The problem with these types of thoughts is that THEY SEEM TO BE REAL AND TRUE, but it's essential to step back and consider Is it only true because I’m thinking it, I’m acting like it and I make it so?

This is the key, when you recognise these negative limiting thoughts take a breath and simply ask yourself…. Does it have to be true? ….What if I changed the way I think and change the way I act?

The critical questions to ask yourself is, "How would I act if it wasn't true?"

These thoughts often come from a place of fear and it’s that fear that keep us from experiencing new opportunities.

If you’ve had similar negative thoughts, I want to assure you that you’re not alone, in actual fact most of us do. Many professionals and even entrepreneurs struggle with self-limiting beliefs that can hinder potential success. But the successful ones have all learnt to identify and recognise negative limiting thoughts in order to overcome them.

To recap negative limiting thought creates a state of mind or belief about yourself that restricts you in some way.

Negative limiting thoughts usually come from a place of fear, and everyone has them. The goal is to learn how to identify and then combat them, so they don’t prevent you from being your best self and reaching your full limitless potential.

So, we are now aware that we all have negative limiting thoughts but what can we do about them?

The trick is to recognize your own negative thoughts when they come up and use that recognition to reframe how you think about yourself.

I don’t want to go into too much detail on our belief system as that’s a topic for another chat, suffice to say that often it is limiting beliefs that shape your thoughts, and these limiting beliefs start from a young age and progressively evolve and reshape throughout your life as you encounter new challenges and negative experiences.

Problem is these negative thoughts can prevent positive new ones from forming.

Knowing the cause of your limiting beliefs is a great way to understand the thought process behind them and begin to manage them. That said, I have 4 specific techniques you can implement to attack and overcome your negative thoughts.

While being able to identify negative thoughts can help you correct them in the moment… learning how to overcome them takes time and practice.

Here are my 4 magic tips to attack and overcome negative thoughts so you can explode into this amazing Health and Fitness Industry.

As a side note, the free worksheet provided with this presentation goes into a lot more detail than these 4 tips and it steps you simply and quickly through the entire process.

Tip One is to Identify and write down self-limiting beliefs in a journal. The simple act of writing it down on paper with a pen or pencil will often show the negative thought for what it really is, a lie.

Tip two is to consider the accuracy of this thought, ask yourself if this thought really has any merit and is there any hard evidence supporting this thought.

Tip three is to combat the negative thought by reframing it into a positive affirmation.

Tip four is the one that I believe is the most powerful and that’s to never give up when limiting thoughts arise. Attack them head on through consistent small actions

Download the worksheet if you want some more detail and simple and highly effective steps to guide you through these for tips.

Whether you use one or a combination of the four is up to you, but each of these techniques can help you overcome negative limiting before they become limiting beliefs.

Believe in yourself, believe if your friends and family, believe in your community and believe your team.

Everyone experiences negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs, so when you experience one, remember that you’re not alone. The important thing isn’t to expect to completely eliminate negative thoughts, but to learn to overcome them and focus on the positive. When you change your perspective, you change your life.

If you think you can….Or you think you cant….You are right

Wherever you are watching, reading or listening to this I sincerely hope I have helped you in some small way and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if and when you need us. 

The world needs inspirational individuals just like you, please help me change the world in a positive way by following me on social. 

You can find me on Instagram at coach underscore grazy, that’s coach underscore G R A Z Y 

Access opportunities, tips, and honest direct advice, simply follow me on: 





Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor 
On Top Performance Academy 


EM:         [email protected] 

I’m coach Grazy and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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